We make church staffing simple and affordable.

We want to connect churches with great candidates who are searching for their calling, and we want every church to be able to afford the hiring process.


Create an Account

Post Your Job for $19

If posting your job for $19 isn’t enough, we will feature your job to make sure you get maximum exposure at just $99/year. Church staffing has never been easier.

One Full Year Posting

We don’t think you should be paying for job postings by the month. That’s why every job posted on Church Hires is live for up to a year.

Simple Hiring Tools

All resumes and applications are saved in your Church Dashboard for review. You can reject, consider, or accept candidates easily from here.

Unlimited Candidates

There’s no limit on the amount of candidates you can attract through your posting. You have full control over your responses.

Refund Guarantee

Don’t like the results you’re receiving? We don’t think you should have to pay for your post. We have a ‘no questions asked’ fourteen day refund policy.

We Love Church Plants

If you’re making your first “Non Lead Position” hire, we want to feature your job post at no charge. Church staffing should be about kingdom building first.

Post a job and find your next staff member today!

No bells and whistles means better results and more affordable pricing.

We’re Real People

Church Hires isn’t just a robot job machine. If you need support, or have questions, you can contact us anytime. We believe in the timeless value of relationships.

Our Vision is Big

We believe that every church should be able to afford the resources it needs to succeed. We that church focused companies should take responsibility for creating business models that are both sustainable and accessible. 

We’re Experienced

Our team has an expansive background in Human Resources, job placement, and connecting great employees with great employers. So it’s no surprise that we’ve created the simplest job board for churches.


Let’s grow your team together!


We’ve got agencies and search groups covered too!

At $999/month, we’re affording agencies the ability to post unlimited jobs for the life of their account.


Resume Database Access

Unlimited access to resumes. That means your reach grows with ours.


Unlimited Postings

There is no limit on the amount of jobs you can post.


Featured Posting Options

We offer the same featured posting options to agencies as we do churches.