Easter is the Super Bowl for the church. For kids ministry, it is one of our greatest days to shine. As kid ministry leaders, we are prepping our biggest and best ideas to present the Gospel of Christ. We want everything perfect and are praying for an amazing Easter.
So the big question is, “What would be a win for you and your kids ministry this Easter?” Is it to have the largest attendance ever? Is it to have the largest number of salvations or to have the highest retention of new families following Easter? No matter what your win is, many times we get focused on large numbers. We base how well we did on the numbers we have. If it is not a large number, we feel like we have failed as leaders.
i would challenge you to remember the number “one”.
What if only “one” new child comes to your Easter service? What if only “one” new family chooses to make your church their home? What if only “one” child accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior?
will you work just as hard and as creatively to reach just “one”?
1. Make your “one” a VIP.
A lot of churches will be giving gifts to 1st time adult guests. What about the kids? Kids have great influence on where a family attends church. When a parent sees that you love their kids they will appreciate your church and kids ministry even more.
Our team makes first time guests feel like a VIP. They receive a sticker that says, “VIP”. When they are leaving they receive a VIP gift with our kid’s logo on it
Babies: diaper tags
Preschool: frisbees
Elementary: draw string bags
These small touches help every guest feel special and important. Our logo serves as a great marketing tool and reminder to return the following week.
2. Pre-plan ways to celebrate the salvation of “one”.
Many kids ministries will give a salvation opportunity in their kids service. They will pray with the the child and write their name down, but do they celebrate this decision? Does your kids ministry help kids realize that it is a life changing moment? As kids ministry leaders we need to a have a plan for what we will do when kids accept Jesus into their hearts.
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Our team makes salvation a big deal and equips kids with tools to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus. Our team gets the name of every child that accepts Christ and lets the parent know the amazing decision they made. The child receives a certificate that say, “ “Congratulations!” with the date on it. The back of the certificate gives the child and the parent next steps in their new relationship with Jesus. Finally they will receive a New Testament Bible and a bookmark with the S.O.A.P. Bible study method instructions on it.
The following week, our team will call parents and encourage them to have conversations with their child about Jesus. We also talk to parents about getting their child baptized and explain that is the next step in our spiritual journey.
3. Follow up with the “one”.
Often times, families enjoy visiting your church but they will get busy with life and forget about their experience. However, if you can remind them through out the week that you loved having them as a guest, they will most likely come back.
Our team makes a personal phone call to first time guest parents thanking them for visiting our church and encouraging them to come back. In addition, we send a personal thank you card to each child that visited and ask them to come back. Children love getting mail and it really communicates to families that you care. These two follow-ups come at different parts of the week and communicate that you really care about them and their family.
Jesus said in Luke 15:4-7, “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”
May we as leaders plan everything with excellence and then rejoice even if it’s only for “one” this Easter. The truth is, we were that “one” at some point in our life.