by churchhires | Nov 16, 2017 | administration
Your church’s security depending on your size may be thriving, dismal or non-existent. However, we are living in precarious times and it’s a topic that every church no matter the size, has to be discussing and planning for. familiarity creates...
by churchhires | Sep 12, 2017 | administration
to greet or not to greet, that is the question. A few year’s back my mother-in-law told me her most hated pet peeve about churches… She said it was the time when a lot of modern churches have you walk around and say “hello” to five people, or...
by churchhires | Mar 3, 2017 | administration
Do you remember the early days of your church? Do you remember waking up at 5:30am on a Sunday morning to pick up the doughnuts, unlock the doors, print the bulletins, and then get ready to preach your Sunday sermon? Maybe you were the other person. The Associate...
by churchhires | Sep 30, 2016 | administration
So, a few weeks back the 15th anniversary of September 11th passed, and it fell on a Sunday. I went to church on that Sunday, and while there I realized we totally blew it. forgot to recognize September 11th. We failed to realize it would fall on an...
by churchhires | Apr 28, 2016 | administration
My first meeting ever was a complete disaster. I had just joined a church staff at 18 years old as the Tech Director. I had many responsibilities involving technology, but the main reason I got hired was to build a new website for the church. When I was hired, there...