how accessible should your pastors and staff be?

In case, you didn’t know is a business. We do two main things. We help churches get their employees individualized and tailored one-on-one training for their job positions. We do this for when they just need a refresher and of course if they...

the 3 times to cancel church

A few weeks ago we encountered the Blizzard of 2016 here along the Northeast Coast. This is the first winter where I was not employed at a church during this season. Working at a church during a snowy season or a time with inclement weather can be a tough thing....

4 ways to show love to the kids in your ministry

Love is the antidote for anger. In ministry it’s really easy to be consumed, as a children’s ministry leader or even a small group leader, by what you have to do, and forget that children need love. Instead we find ourselves consumed by tasks. tasks task...

what to do with weirdos

In case you haven’t seen it under the title of this post, my name is kind of complicated. It’s Stacia. (Pronounced ‘Stay-sha’) I once interacted with a volunteer who was very sweet and wanted to be helpful, but was a little “weird”. Someone introduced me...