by churchhires | Aug 13, 2016 | technology
Have you ever heard the phrase, “it takes money to make money?” Well sometimes, it takes money to save money. As technology evolves, it offers us the increasingly commonplace opportunity to buy our way into efficiency, productivity, and increased savings....
by churchhires | Jul 28, 2016 | technology
I’m not saying technology is perfect, but I am saying that I don’t know where we’d be without it. Apps, tech tools, gadgets, iPhones, and the like, basically enable us to connect with our community and our congregation in ways we would never have dreamed of twenty...
by churchhires | Jul 24, 2016 | leadership
In a recent podcast episode, “reboot your small group strategy for the fall and finally make it awesome” we shared how a lot of churches might not have the most successful strategy in mind when it comes to their small groups. A typical small group focus is one where,...
by churchhires | Jul 1, 2016 | volunteers
it always comes back to people Any ministry leader with a thriving ministry will tell you how important volunteers are to making each and every experience “go.” You can have hundreds or thousands of people show up to an event. You can have the best lights and...
by churchhires | Jun 25, 2016 | next gen
First impressions are everything; this isn’t something new or mind blowing that I’m sharing with you. A lot of modern day churches have already stumbled upon the data that typical first-time guests have formed most of their opinions about your church in their first...