by churchhires | Jul 28, 2016 | technology
I’m not saying technology is perfect, but I am saying that I don’t know where we’d be without it. Apps, tech tools, gadgets, iPhones, and the like, basically enable us to connect with our community and our congregation in ways we would never have dreamed of twenty...
by churchhires | Jun 10, 2016 | next gen
you know what summer means Summertime is right around the corner, depending on where you are located, summer might already be under way. Summertime for kids is the epitome of relaxation and fun, for parents it’s trying to keep your kids busy and for the church world...
by churchhires | Jan 25, 2016 | leadership
Love is the antidote for anger. In ministry it’s really easy to be consumed, as a children’s ministry leader or even a small group leader, by what you have to do, and forget that children need love. Instead we find ourselves consumed by tasks. tasks task...